The Academic senate is the authority of the University which consists of Class-1,Ex-Officio Members like All members of the Board of Management, All Deans of Faculties, All Ex-Vice-Chancellors of the University concerned, The Director of Technical Education, The Director of Medical Education, The Director of The School Education, The Director of Adult Education, The Director of Intermediate Education, The Chairman of The Andhra Pradesh state council of higher education or in his absence the Vice Chirman there of, The Director Telugu Academy, All Members of the University planning and monitoring Board. Class-2 Life Members are All donors who are earlier members of the erstwhile senate and All persons who donate an amount of not less rupees five lakhs to the University. Class-3 Members to be nominated by the Govt. Class-4 Elected Members.
The Academic senate shall have the authority to provide instruction and training in such branches of learning as it thinks fit it shall exercise general supervision over the Academic policies of the University and provide leadership for raising the standard and quality of education and research
Sri Krishnadevaraya University,
Sri Krishnadevaraya University,
Sri Krishnadevaraya University,
Deputy Secretary to Government
Finance Department
A.P. Secretariat
Velagapudi, Guntur-522 503.
Higher Education
Room No. 268, 4th Block,
First Floor, A.P. Secretariat
Velagapudi, Guntur-522 503
Collegiate Education,
Opp. Toyota Show Room Lane
ANR Towers
Prasadam Padu
former Vice-Chencellor MIG -51 Lawsonsbay Colony Vishakapatnam – 530 017 9966960268, 8912532415
Former Vice-Chancellor H.No.3-65, Sandesh Nivas Vidyanagar Colony Chandragiri Road, Tirupathi – 2. Ph: 0871-2249149
Former Vice-Chancellor No-2-79, Block ‘C’ K.K. Nagar, Habsiguda Hyderabad – 500 007 Ph: +040-27171449.
Former Vice-Chancellor 3-6-69/4/2A Avanthinagar, Basheerbagh Hyderabad-29 9347068857
Former Vice-Chancellor Tirupathi 9848411125
Former Vice-Chancellor Department of Bio-Chemistry Andhra University Vishakapatnam. 9490362444
Former Vice-Chancellor D.No: 28/3/200 Tarakanath Colony Anantapuramu. 9440285592
Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences S.K. University Anantapur Cell:9440289488
Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, S.K. University Anantapur
Dean, Faculty of Law S.K. University Anantapur Cell:9440934409
Dean, Faculty of Physical Sciences S.K. University Anantapur Cell:9440288318
Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences S.K. University Anantapur Cell:9866333301
Dean, Faculty of Languages and Literature S.K. University Anantapur, Cell:9247450329
Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology S.K. University Anantapur
Managing Director Meghana Industries Anantapur Phone: 08554 270604, 278504. Cell: 9390345677
Principal Sri Satya Sai Junior College for Girls Anantapur. Cell:-9866366435
Member, Academic Senate Department of Law Sri Krishnadevaraya University Anantapur, Cell:- 9000919100
Principal S.V. Arts, Commerce & Science College Chagalamarri, Cell:-9440725944
Door No.6-2-994 Upstairs, Ram Nagar Anantapur Cell:-9392038999
Department of Physics Andhra University Visakhapatnam Cell:- 9247177474
Managing Director Yesses Annodizing Industry Opp. Ex.MLA. P. KESHAV house Ramnagar Anantapur, Cell:-9849599086
Former Vice-Chancellor, H.No: 4-282, Sarvodaya Nagar Meerpet Vajasatha Nagar, Hyderabad-79, Cell:-9440243433
Advocate Kamala Nagar Anantapur
Principal St. Joseph’s Degree College, Kurnool, Cell:-9440292400
E.N.T. Surgeon Madhumani Nursing Home Nandyal Cell:-9440290460
Tax Consultant Beside Meda Petrol Bunk Subhash Road Anantapur Cell:-9849491159
Assistant Professor of Medicine Govt. Medical College Vice-President Indian Medical Association Anantapur. Cell: 98487 45923
Meena Educational Society Nandyal Kurnool district Cell:-9848121671
Charted Accountant 1st Floor, Pallavi Towers Subhash road Anantapuramu